Senior Secondary - IMTGBA International Mathematics Tournament 2023
[color=#222222][size=2][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=arial, sans-serif][color=#ff0000][size=2][u]比賽進行期間之注意事項[/u][/size][/color][size=2][u][color=#ff0000]
Points to note during the competition[/color][/u]
[color=#111111](1) [/color][/size][color=#111111][size=2]請勿在開考後切換屏幕,如系統有切換屏幕的情況,系統便會強制上交試卷。[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]
Do not switch screens after started the test. If you do so, your test paper will be forced to submit by the system automatically.
The system will automatically submit your test paper when 3 interruptions are detected. (Interruption counts when idling time exceeds 10 seconds)
Both parents and participants cannot copy questions from the system nor paste any content onto the system. Copy and paste are not allowed in the system.
The system may request activation of facial recognition by random.
(5) IERC [/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]比賽委員會相信家長一直是小朋友的行為典範[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]
IERC Organizing Committee truly believes that parents are always the role model for their children
(6) IERC [/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]比賽委員會相信,家長一直是小朋友的行為典範。因此,比賽委員會相信,家長不會從事任何線上比賽的作弊行為及作出令其他參加者不公平的干預行為。[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]
IERC Organizing Committee truly believes that parents are always the role model for their children. For that, the IERC Organizing Committee trusts that no parents shall engage in any cheating or interfering actions which may cause unfairness to other participants.
(7) IERC [/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]比賽委員會規定,參加者不能由旁人代做,[/size][/color][color=#111111] [/color][color=#111111][size=2]必須自己完成題目並真正領會。[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]
IERC Organizing Committee stipulates that the tests should only be completed by the participants themselves and alone. Participants should complete the questions on their own to achieve full comprehension.
[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]IERC 比賽委員會將會在[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2] 7[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]月23-25日期間進行抽樣調查,以電話、[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]Whatsapp[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]、[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]Wechat[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]通話形式訪問被抽中的參加者,並詢問一些和比賽程度相同的比賽問題。[/size][/color][color=#111111][size=2]
IERC Organizing Committee might contact selected participants for a telephone interview via phone, WhatsApp, or WeChat between 23-25th Jul. The committee shall ask questions that are similar to those appearing in the competition.
[size=2][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=arial, sans-serif][color=black][size=2]有關的抽樣活動旨在規避學生在線上評估活動可能的不誠實行為。因此,如果題目不是參加者本人做的、參加者沒有深刻領會題目的意義,是一定能夠被發現的。這也是對 IERC[/size][/color][color=black][size=2] [/size][/color][color=black][size=2]獲獎的學生保證獲獎證書的質量和聲譽。[/size][/color][/font][/font][/size]
[size=2][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=arial, sans-serif][color=black][size=2]The sampling activity aims to avoid any possible deceitful behaviors that might appear in the online assessment. Dishonest completion can be easily identified if participants did not complete the test on their own and failed to truly comprehend the meaning of the questions. It ensures the quality and standing of the award certificate for the IERC award-winning students.
[/size][/color][color=black][size=2]如有查詢:[/size][/color][color=black][size=2]WhatsApp +852 6992 4121
For any queries, please WhatsApp +852 6992 4121[/size][/color][/font][/font][/size]
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